
After five successful years, the Project AFFIRM implementation research program in Ontario is coming to a close. Although the research initiative will no longer be running, the AFFIRM intervention will continue to be offered by trained facilitators working out of Ontario agencies.
Here is a list of some of the agencies offering AFFIRM at the time of this writing (June 3rd, 2022):
Centre for Addition and Mental Health- Gender Identity Clinic: https://www.camh.ca/en/your-care/programs-and-services/gender-identity-clinic-adult
Individuals over 18 who wish to explore issues related to their gender identity, which may include any degree of transgender expression.
The 519 Community support offers AFFIRM groups for LGBTQ+ identifying adults over 18: https://www.the519.org/
Peel Region
Peel District High School is running AFFIRM groups for LGBTQ+ identifying middle school and high school participants online.
Contact Todd Elliott for more information: todd.elliott@peelsb.com
Hamilton Wentworth District School Board is running AFFIRM groups for LGBTQ+ identifying middle school and high school participants online.
Email: wehelp@hwdsb.on.ca
Compass Community Health for Hamilton teenagers 12-18: https://compassch.org/
Niagara Region
Niagara Falls Community Health Centre is offering AFFIRM for teenagers 12-18: https://www.nfchc.ca/
Contact Celeste Turner for more information: Celeste Turner CTurner@nfchc.ca
Quest Community Health Centre offers AFFIRM for teenagers 12-18: https://questchc.ca/.
Contact Stephanie Vail for more information: svail@questchc.ca
Halton Region
The Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch offers AFFIRM for youth aged 18-25: https://halton.cmha.ca/our-services/groups-workshops-webinars/
Contact AFFIRM@cmhahrb.ca for more information
University of Waterloo is offering AFFIRM for LGBTQ+ Waterloo students.
Contact Washington Silk for more information: washington.silk@uwaterloo.ca
Kitchener Waterloo Community Health Centre is offering AFFIRM for LGBTQ+ identified high school students age 12-18: https://kdchc.org/
Contact Michelle Walt for more information: mwalt@kwcounselling.com
If you are looking for community or emergency mental health resources specific to LGBTQ+ individuals, please consult the following list:
Planned Parenthood Toronto
Services available:
Primary, sexual, and mental healthcare, Client Access Line (for registered clients), Teen Health Source Line for sexual health information, workshops and community supports are going virtual (check social media for updates).
Priority to trans feminine youth, Indigenous youth, youth engaged in sex work, and youth who have had a recent abortion.
Monday through Thursday, at 10am-12noon and 7pm-8pm
Phone number: 416-961-0113
Website: http://www.ppt.on.ca/
Client Access Line (For registered clients) :416-961-0113 x165
Follow on Social Media for updated program information: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
PPT Teen Health Source
Peer Health Educators are available Monday – Thursday from 4pm-9pm, and Saturdays from 12pm-5pm
Website: www.TeenHealthSource.com
Text: 647-933-5399 Phone: 416-961-3200
Email: teenhealthsource@ppt.on.ca
PPT Connecting and Coping During COVID-19
Build your toolbox of coping strategies, explore ways to connect with others, make a plan moving forward.
Date and Time: TBD based off of registrants
To register contact Aimee at AWilson@ppt.on.ca
Sheena’s Place
Services available:
Registration for online eating disorder support groups, resource lists for other eating disorder virtual supports.
Website: https://sheenasplace.org/
Stella’s Place
Services available:
Virtual drop-in counselling, virtual peer support meetings, virtual studio (for creative expression), employment support.
See attachment for further details: https://stellasplace.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COVID-19-Flyer_Online_March-27.pdf
Call: 416-461-2345 ext. 0
Email: connect@stellasplace.ca
Website: https://stellasplace.ca/
The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
Service available:
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
Call: 1-833-900-1010
Trans Lifeline
Service available:
Peer support services from trans folks in Canada and the US.
Although the line is open 24/7 a peer listener is guaranteed between 10:00am-4:00am EST.
Call: 1-877-330-6366
Wellness Together Canada
Services available:
A Government of Canada resource that offers free online resources, tools, apps and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals when needed. Complete the online intake to access supports.
Website: https://ca.portal.gs/
Yorktown Family Services
Services available:
Over-the-phone counselling: Monday 10am-3pm; Tuesday & Wednesday 1pm-6:30pm; Thursday 10am-5pm; Friday 1:30-3:30.
Last possible session starts no later than 2 hours before the end of walk-in.
Call: 416 669 3521
Website: www.yorktownfamilyservices.com
Services Available:
Mental Health Supports (see what’s up walk-in clinic information above), housing services, and residential services.
Call: 416- 967-1773
Website: https://youthlink.ca/
Beanbag Chat App
Services available:
Online peer support and/or counselling from partner organizations, online mental health support tools
Website: http://www.beanbagchat.ca/
Black Youth Helpline
Services available:
Serves all youth and specifically responds to the need for a Black youth specific service, positioned and resourced to promote access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools.
Call 416-285-9944 or Toll Free 1-833-294-8650 (everyday 9 am-10 pm)
Website: info@blackyouth.ca
Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS)
Services Available:
Over-the-phone counselling services
Call: 416-924-2100
Website: www.ctys.org
East Metro Youth Services (EMYS)
Services available:
Over-the-phone counselling services for youth
Call: 416-438-3697, press 1, then press 0
Website: www.emys.on.ca
Friends of Ruby (formerly Egale Youth Services) – For LGBTQ2S Youth up to Age 29
Services available:
Over-the-phone and online chat services for housing help, crisis counselling, and other basic support.
To register for online chat services, please contact the email or phone number below
Numerous virtual programs and hang-out spaces including Art for Change weekly Visual Art Group (Mondays 3-4pm).
Must be a registered Friends of Ruby member to participate call the number below to register, and use the email below to get access to Zoom link.
Virtual Program Calendar: http://friendsofruby.ca/calendar.pdf
Call: 416-359-0237
Email: info@friendsofruby.ca
Website: friendsofruby.ca
Address: 489 Queen Street E, LL01
Gender Spectrum
Service available:
US-Based facilitated discussions and support groups for trans youth and pre-teens.
No need to talk or turn on your video, but pre-registration is required.
Website: https://www.genderspectrum.org/articles/gender-spectrum-groups
Good2Talk - Ontario Post-Secondary Student Support:
Services available:
Good2Talk offers free, confidential support to post-secondary students in Ontario 24/7.
Call: 1-866-925-5454 (to speak to a counsellor)
Text ‘GOOD2TALKON’ to 686868 (to speak with a trained Volunteer Crisis Responder)
Hong Fook Centre
Service available:
Virtual counselling services.
Intake line: 416-493-4242 (for anyone experiences mental health concerns)
Counselling for Asian youth aged 12 - 25 and their family: 416-493-4242 x 228
Kids Help Phone
Services available:
Confidential and anonymous over-the-phone or text-based counselling available 24/7 to young Canadians between ages 5 to 29 years-old.
Call: 1-800-668-6868
Text ‘CONNECT’ to 686868
LGBT YouthLine
Services available:
Email, text, and chat support. Sunday-Friday 4:00pm-9:30pm EST
Text: 647-694-4275
Website: https://www.youthline.ca
Email: askus@youthline.ca
Pre-teen (12-13)
We are not currently offering pre-teen groups. Please check back again for future offerings.
Teen (14-18)
Weekly sessions will run Tuesdays from 5-7PM, starting on April 5. Offered online through Zoom.
Adult (19+)
Weekly sessions will run Wednesdays from March 23 to May 18. Offered online through Zoom.

Are you looking to participate in
AFFIRM in the U.S. or outside of Canada?